Jungheinrich EFG 216k, 9 kW

Jungheinrich EFG 216k

33 476
Price includes VAT
Condition Used
Töötunnid 202 h
Varustustase 5000 DZ 1150mm SS+POS
Engine 9 kW
Maardu linn, Vana-Narva mnt 30/5
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  • LED tuled: jah
  • Pöörlev vilkur: jah

Technical details


Power: 9 kW

Weights, trailer, wheelbase

Kerb mass: 2959 kg

Additional information

Mudeli aasta: 2022
Üldine seisund: Väga hea
Aku tüüp: Happeaku
Aku mark: Jungheinrich
Aku pinge: 48 V
Aku mahutavus: 625 Ah
Aku tootmisaasta: 2022
Laadija pinge: 48 V
Maksimaalne tõstevõime: 1600 kg
Raskuskeskme kaugus: 500 mm
Masti tüüp: Kolmeosaline
Tõstekõrgus: 5000 mm
Vabatõste: 1645 mm
Suletud kõrgus: 2235 mm
Kahvlite pikkus: 1150 mm
Lisaseade: jah
Lisaseadme tüüp: Kahvli positsioneer
Kabiini tüüp: Turvaraam
Rataste arv: 3
Rehvimõõt 1. sild: 18 x 7-8
Rehvimõõt 2. sild: 140/55-9
Transpordi pikkus: 3041 mm
Transpordi laius: 1060 mm
Transpordi kõrgus: 2235 mm

Koodiga tõstuki käivitamine
Komeosaline vabatõstemast
Integreeritud positsioneer - hüdrauliline kahvlite külgnihutus ja kokku-lahku liigutamise võimalus
Turvaklaasist katus
Sõidumootor 2x4.5 kW
MultiPILOT joystick
4" infoekraam
USB väljund käetoes
Riidest istmekate
2+2 LED töötuled
Tagurdamise helisignaal

Automaatne seisupidur
Automaatne mastikallutus kompenseerimaks kauba kaalust tulenevast masti ettekallutusest
CurveCONTROL - kurvis kiiruse automaatne aeglustamine
Mastikallutus ette 7*, taha 5*
Töökoridori laius 3343 mm
Pöörderaadius1548 mm
Sõidukiirus16 km/h (nii kaubaga kui kaubata)
Kauba tõstmiskiirus kaubaga 0,51 m/s ja kaubata 0,74 m/s
Kauba langetamiskiirus 0,55 m/s (nii kaubaga kui kaubata)
multiPILOT joystick
Safety glass on roof
Drive motor 2x4.5 kW
Working lights (2 front / 2 rear)
Spot rear
Strobe light
Reversing signal
Panoram mirrir
PIN-code switch
Jungheinrich tõstukid on toodetud Saksamaal ja see tagab nende kõrge kvaliteedi ja töökindluse.
Tootmisel on rõhku pandud ohutusele, energiasäästikkusele, kasutajasõbralikkusele ja ergonoomikale.
Tõstukid vastavad kõikidele Euroopa Liidus kehtestatud ohutus nõuetele ning ISO 9001 ja ISO 14001 standarditele.
Jungheinrich tõstukid pälvivad tunnustust igaaastastel näitustel ja erinevatel tehniliste näitajate hindamisel.

Seller's details

Maardu linn, Vana-Narva mnt 30/5

Vehicle background check

Avoid expensive problems by checking the car’s history.
  • Accidents
  • Mileage history
  • Technical inspections
  • Damages
  • Images
  • Safety recalls by manufacturer
  • Ownership changes
  • Theft records

Vehicle pre-purchase inspection

During a pre-purchase inspection, an independent expert checks the technical condition of the car.
  • Quick check
    40 point test
  • Regular check
    70 point test, long test drive, diagnostics, history check, accident detection
  • Premium check
    100-point test, long test drive, diagnostics, history check, inspection at the technical inspection point

Coop Pank Car Leasing



In the case of operating lease, use of a car is paid for. Operational leasing involves the...
Monthly payment: 375 €

The initial APR of the credit is 7.96% under the following sample conditions: Value of asset incl. VAT: €32,000, Downpayment: 10%, Contract period: 5 years, Number of repayments: 60, Contract fee: €200, Interest rate: 6 months’ Euribor + margin of 2.43% per annum (as at 12 November 2024 the 6-month Euribor rate was 2.822%, but if Euribor is negative the rate is considered 0 and Euribor may change every six months), Leasing amount: €28,800, Final payment: 25% of acquisition cost, Total amount of credit: €25,088.22, Total amount repayable: €28,288.22

This rate was calculated on the basis of the main part of the loan and interest being repaid as monthly annuity payments. The sample conditions do not take into account the potential registration costs of the asset, state fees, valuation fees or the amount of annual motor and comprehensive insurance payments. Both motor and comprehensive insurance must be taken out when leasing a vehicle. Car leasing is offered by Coop Liising AS

Coop Pank Car Leasing

Car leasing made easy

Enjoy freedom behind the wheel by financing your new vehicle the quick and easy way. You mightn’t even have to make a downpayment! Coop Pank’s leasing service is ideal for the worry-free purchase of a car, van, ATV or motorbike. Simply fill in the application form on the website, at a branch or at the dealership and we’ll make you an offer within 3 days.


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