Audi A6
Condition | Used | ||||||
Initial reg. | 07.2010 | ||||||
Mileage | 212 885 km | ||||||
Body type | Sedan, 4 doors, 5 seats | ||||||
Fuel | Petrol | ||||||
Engine | 2.0, 125 kW | ||||||
Transmission | Automatic | ||||||
Drivetrain | Front-wheel drive | ||||||
VIN | WAUZZZ4F4BN008458 | ||||||
Reg. nr. | 399BTV | ||||||
Tehnoülevaatus | 31.05.2025 |
Safety and Security
- Power steering: kiirustundlik
- ISOFIX lasteistme kinnitus
- ABS pidurid
- Automaatne paigalseismise funktsioon
- Sõiduki stabiilsuskontroll
- Veojõukontroll
- Pidurdusjõukontroll
- Kliimaseade: kliimaautomaatik
- Välispeeglid: elektrilised, soojendsega
- Püsikiiruse hoidja
- Parkimisandurid: taga
- Reguleeritav roolisammas: sügavus
- Istmesoojendused: ees
- Elektrilised akende tõstukid
- Välistemperatuuri näidik
- Automaatse soojendusega esiklaasi pesurid
- Nahkpolster: must
- Ekraan: ees
- Stereo: originaal, mälukaardi pesa
- CD mängija: boks
- Lähituled: xenon
- Kaugtuled: xenon
- Udutuled
- Esitulede pesurid
Tires and Rims
- Suverehvid
- Talverehvid
- Valuveljed
Technical details
Cubic capacity: | 2.0 l |
Cubic capacity: | 1984 cm³ |
Power: | 125 kW |
CO₂ emission: | 179 g/km |
Maximum speed: | 224 km/h |
Fuel: | Petrol |
Urban fuel consumption: | 10.4 l/100 km |
Highway fuel consumption: | 6.1 l/100 km |
Average fuel consumption: | 7.7 l/100 km |
Body and seats
Color: | Gray |
Body type: | Sedan |
Seats: | 5 |
Doors: | 4 |
Length: | 4927 mm |
Width: | 1855 mm |
Height: | 1449 mm |
Weights, trailer, wheelbase
Kerb mass: | 1640 kg |
Technical maximum mass: | 2145 kg |
Load bearing capacity: | 505 kg |
Weight of road train: | 3705 kg |
Maximum weight of coupling with brakes: | 1500 kg |
Maximum weight of coupling without brakes: | 750 kg |
Wheelbase: | 2857 mm |
Number of axles: | 2 |
Additional information
Komisjonimüük- Lisainfo saamiseks pöörduge meie konsultandi poole
- Sõidukile on teostatud müügieelne ettevalmistus
- Müügihinnale lisandub registreerimistasu. Avariilisuse info:
Vastavalt Eesti Liikluskindlustus Fondi kodulehele ei ole antud sõiduk osalenud kindlustusjuhtumis. Täpsema informatsiooni osas kontakteeruge meie müügikonsultantidega.
Motor vehicle tax
Annual tax: 122 €
Registration fee: 574 €
The calculated values are indicative. If you would like more detailed information about car tax, click here.
Seller's details
Vehicle background check
Avoid expensive problems by checking the car’s history.
- Accidents
- Mileage history
- Technical inspections
- Damages
- Images
- Safety recalls by manufacturer
- Ownership changes
- Theft records
Vehicle pre-purchase inspection
During a pre-purchase inspection, an independent expert checks the technical condition of the car.
Quick check
40 point test
Regular check
70 point test, long test drive, diagnostics, history check, accident detection
Premium check
100-point test, long test drive, diagnostics, history check, inspection at the technical inspection point
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